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Name of the topic you picked:fossils records
Name of author : Dennis O'Neil
When published :1998-2012
Name of article:Interpreting the Fossil Record
When found: 11/30/12
When found: 11/30/12
Fact 1:
Fossils are the preserved remains or traces of animals , plants, and other organisms from the remote past.
Fact 2:
A fossil is a rare thing. Most organisms decay and disappear quickly after dying.
Fact 3:
Fossils show us a great deal about earlier life forms. Not only can we learn about evolutionary processes and trends, but we can also reconstruct body shapes.
Fact 4:
Several wool mammoths that lived during the last ice age have been excavated from frozen tundra soil in Siberia. Some were still in such good condition, that parts of their bodies were fed to the dogs of the Russian scientists who found them.
Fact 5:
Amber is a fossilized resin that originally oozed from cone bearing trees, such as pines and firs, millions of years ago.
Describe what kind of objects you could hide for this game:
You could hide different kind of fossils there will be trees and plants .I will also have amber ,amber is a kind of fossil/mineral.I will have minerals animals thats pretty much it .
Describe what you game scene might look like
My game will be in a Rainforest there will be many trees and plants.